Donate NowShree Shakti Seva Kendra2023-11-21T19:52:23+05:30 Donate Now Your smallest contribution makes a big difference to children’s lives. Your name * Your mobile number * Your work profile Business/Job * Your email address * How you want to donate? Select optionOnline Donation.Adopt A Child.Monthly Donation.Sponcer Event.Offline Donation How much you want to donate? * Where are your from, enter your city, state & country? * Message * Human Verification * Shree Shakti Seva KendraAddress: Ambica House B1, 3rd Floor, Safal Profitaire Corporate Road, Opp. AUDA Garden Prahaladnagar, Ahmedabad – 380015, Gujarat, India. Call Us: +91 88492 63972 Call Us:+91 89808 04024 Email us: Follow Us WhatsApp